Unlock Your Ikigai:
 Find Your Purpose, Live a Meaningful Life, and Achieve True Happiness

When you sign up for the Membership Club you can get this class for free: CLICK HERE


Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your "reason for being." It's your life purpose or your bliss. In this course, you'll learn how to use Neurographica, a creative drawing technique, to tap into your ikigai and discover your true calling.  In this course, you'll use Neurographica to draw your ikigai.

Through drawing and reflection, you'll discover your unique ikigai and begin to live a more fulfilling life.  Neurographica is a creative drawing technique that can help you to tap into your intuition and discover your ikigai. When you draw Neurographica, you're not focused on creating a perfect picture. Instead, you're free to let your creativity flow and explore your subconscious mind. 


Neurographica is a simple way to work with the subconscious mind through drawing. This creative method stimulates new neural pathways by combining art and psychology. The technique was created by psychologist, philosopher and architect Prof. Pavel Piskarev in 2014.

Drawing Neurographica immediately puts your mind in a relaxed state of flow, synergistically connecting your subconscious with your fingers as you draw.  The benefits of this amazing technique are boundless, and include increased mental clarity and positivity, increased motivation, a greater sense of peace, and so much more! It is easy and anyone can do it. Click on the video to start playing.

Who Is This Class For?

This class will be highly beneficial if you :

  • If are feeling lost or unfulfilled in your current career
  • If you are going through a major life transition, such as a divorce, retirement, or job loss
  • If you are interested in starting your own business
  • If you are looking for ways to make a difference in the world
  • If you are interested in learning more about Japanese culture and philosophy of living of happy life

Natalia Kolev

Certified Neurographica Instructor

My name is Natalia Kolev. I am a Certified Neurographica instructor. I am also an energy practitioner, intuitive healer, and wholistic coach. I have helped hundreds of people overcome their blocks and I am here to help you become the best version of yourself.

I help my students learn how to use Neurographica to reduce anxiety and stress and create an abundant life. I teach Neurographica in English, Russian, and Bulgarian to people all over the world.

Proven Results

Neurographica has a proven track record of helping people achieve tangible results and success.
We have helped countless people break through their limiting beliefs and achieve their goals, and our members have achieved incredible success in their personal and professional lives.

We understand that everyone is different, and that's why we offer a variety of programs and services to help you
achieve your goals 

 "Thank You for the opportunity to join these sessions. It is inspiring and rewarding as well. Time flies by when passion is involved in soul work ( as I consider Neurographica as soul work). And in any teaching, when love is concerned, the time with each other goes by fast. I have experienced this with my education as well.  I love Neurographica - I can feel the difference it is making as I go along." 

Sara Carr

 "These classes are beautiful and freeing, beyond what I can express in words.  I am very thankful for the experience and feeling a lot more happy and connected. Many limitations and fears have just disappeared and I know they were there but can't find them any more. Thank you for making all these great classes so affordable!

Margeret Dean

 "Discovering this Neurographica membership club meant the world to me because I wanted to draw weekly, but could not find certified instructors that I will resonate with. These classes made it so easy to practice Neurographica and learn so much about myself. At the same time connecting with many great women, and seeing their transformations brings so much joy!

Zoe Jamison


Prerequisites: No experience in drawing is required. 

Rights: Copywrite 2023 by NeurographicAcademy. You cannot share it or teach this class without written permission from NeurographicAcademy.

INFORMATION FOR ALL NEUROGRAPHICACADEMY WORKSHOPS: The instructor will be drawing on screen and guiding you through all the steps and you will follow along. All courses require paper, markers, and colored pencils. Some classes may recommend additional materials which will be outlined once you purchase the course.

During the Class: Please drink clean water and take care of yourself. If you need to, pause the video and come back to finish it later.

Learn More: To learn how to draw Neurographica on your own to reduce anxiety and stress in your life, sign up for the Basic Level Course, which is a comprehensive 15-hour course. For more information, Click Here